Tina Sprinkle

My name is Tina Sprinkle. Let me share my thirty-five-plus years of teaching, training, and inspiring people to create better habits for better health. You can create the change you want. But you must be ready to get to the bottom of what’s making you feel bad. You must have the courage to confront your lifestyle choices head-on and amend them if they aren't supporting your health. You must be willing to make your self-care a priority by eating, moving, and choosing what serves you best. Your body is talking to you all the time. What is yours trying to say to you? Is it happy? Is it hurting? Is it anxious, tired, or wired? You have the power to create better biochemistry with your food, movement, and mindset. I know it works because I've had to heal myself. Sign up for the Spring Cleanse or email me at [email protected] about private health coaching today.